
Friday, September 4, 2020

Cottage Witchery


What we might call Cottage Witchery (or Hearth or House Craft) is a form of practical magic that focuses on the cleansing, protection, and blessing of the dwelling or domicile. It is not necessarily its own Tradition of Craft, which would be associated with its own lineage, tools, etc. Indeed, as a study of
practical magic under the greater umbrella of Craft lore, it is accessible to all students of the Craft, regardless of Tradition.

Forms of this type of folk magic are present in every religion and date to pre-historic times. Cottage Witchery is part of our ancestral heritage. It is natural to have a desire to cleanse, protect, and bless the space that provides our shelter — and thereby the people with whom we share this most fundamental of human needs.

Much of what we think of as “old wives tales” or backwoods superstitions are actually the Old Ways that have been preserved through generations — handed down to us in the memory of our elders. Very often, these folk-ways are based on even older long-forgotten customs of Spirit-veneration (or in some cases, Spirit-appeasement — or even banishment).

Home is an outward reflection of the Self in many ways. We have basic shelter here, yes; but we also choose tools, comforts, and decorations that reflect our tastes and aspirations. It’s where we’re our most vulnerable — when sleeping, sick, or otherwise in need of recovery. It is our sanctuary. It is also our Temple, housing our tools of Arte. Whenever possible, choose natural materials and fibers (wood, stone, metal, jute, cotton, wool, silk, etc) and incorporate living plants into the home. Derivatives like ceramic potter and glass are also preferable to plastics and other synthetics. Energy simply moves better through and around natural materials.

(This information is copyrighted by Asteria Books and is available as part of the Book of Shadows project.)

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