
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Dusting Off Some Gems

Almost three years ago, I asked for readers and clients to pardon the dust around Blade & Broom;s online presence while I got some things sorted out. So much has changed since then! My then-poly-partner and I divorced, my other poly partner and I moved to Louisville, I took a day job doing AMAZING work that I loved, I wrote and published about 500 Book of Shadows pages, my daughter graduated from high school, my son started high school, my (now one-and-only) partner and I got married, and now, that amazing day job fallen away so that I can focus once again on my Craft, my writing, my coaching, and even my own education.

In all that shuffle, my website sat by the way-side. I focused on the BoS pages in the Etsy shop, and that was plenty to be doing. Sadly, though, the old Blade & Broom blog is gone. So, I am dusting off some of the posts I wrote from 2014-2015, and I am re-posting them here.

Fresh brand new content is coming, too! My practice has been very rich these last few years, and I can't wait to share thoughts with like-minded peers and students.

Let me know if there is something you're curious about and would like to see! I love to stay topical.

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